Thursday, August 12, 2010

Last Day in America!

Women kuai qu zhongguo! (We're leaving for China soon)

Today is our last day in the States! The time has simply flown by what with moving out of our apartments and trying to see everyone one last time. We left Austin for good on Monday night; we packed Greg's beat up little Saturn to the roof and made the hot, AC-less three hour drive to Houston.

Hanging out with Greg's family and Tim and Steph has occupied us for the past few days. We went to Tim's White Coat Ceremony last night for his medical school where he took the hippocratic oath and received his white doctor's coat. Go gege Tim daifu!

Right now Greg and I are sitting in Terminal S11 at the Seattle airport, waiting to depart for Beijing. It was about a five hour flight from Houston to Seattle, and I am definitely not looking forward to sitting down for this upcoming 11 hour flight. Bu hao! :(

But, it's all for the sake of adventure! Just now in the food court we met a lady that was flying to Switzerland to climb Mt. Blanc and had been all over the world. That's the best part about travel - meeting so many new, amazing people that make you want go out and do something incredible with your own life.

To be honest, as soon as Greg and I walked into Bush International Airport, all of the bittersweet feelings of leaving everyone behind vanished and now there's just excitement flitting around inside our tummies. Not that we won't miss y'all - far from it - but I think we're ready for this adventure to start.

- Lauren

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